Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Release Blitz & Review - FOREVER ENOUGH by Kelly Elloitt

Forever Enough by Kelly Elliott is now live!

Not long out of college, Mackenzie Reeves has found herself halfway across the country, relocated from Atlanta, Georgia, to small-town Hamilton, Montana. But it's not just a fresh start--it's an escape. For years, she's been trying to steer clear of the abusive stepfather who's made her life hell and turned her mother into someone she doesn't recognize. Now, on Dirk and Merit Littlewood's gorgeous farm, she's found a bit of peace. Until a certain dimpled, dark-eyed handsome devil walks into her barn and changes her life with a single look.

Not quite twenty-four, and champion bull rider Bradly Littlewood already feels twice his age. He loves the sport, but between the politics, the lonely nights, missing his family...his heart and head are no longer in the game. And when he's home for the holidays, surrounded by cousins who've married and started their own families, he can add jealousy to the mix. He's missed so much, and he wants what they have. Turns out, one unplanned stop at the family barn and he may have found it...in the form of a pajama-clad angel, singing and dancing for a captive audience of farm animals.

Mackenzie and Bradly's instant smolder in the barn becomes a blazing wildfire within days, surprising everyone. Both their futures are uncertain for very different reasons. But their love? That's rock solid. Beyond a doubt.

A love so strong, so unbreakable, even forever isn't enough.

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4.5 Stars

This series has been full of so much love and emotions. Ms Elliott didn't disappoint at all with Bradley and Mackenzie. Their story is swoon worthy for sure with the insta love, need for family.

Mackenzie moved to Montana to get away from many things in her life. She hated being so far away from her sister but needed a fresh start. Loving her job at the farm doing her thing growing things was more than enough for her. But when she laid eyes on the strange man in the barn she just knew something was about to change.

Bradley has been searching for a little bit. Trying to understand his thoughts and emotions. I mean he career was going fantastic but his family was growing and experiencing so many things without him. Was he just homesick? 

There is so much more happening through this story but I truly want you to experience it all on your own. It is a beautiful story that should be read by all.

*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. ***

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Lost Love, and Never Enough, to name a few.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, Gus, her chocolate lab, four cats, and endless wildlife creatures. When she's not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.

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