Thursday, February 13, 2014

DEVIANT (Blood & Roses #1) by Callie Hart

(Blood & Roses #1)
by Callie Hart
ARC review
Published: February 28, 2014

My rating: 4.5 of 5 ⭐️

To find her sister, Sloane will do anything, give anything....and she has. But after a few years her hopes have died, as have most of her other emotions, dulled by the knowledge that despite her sacrifices she is no closer. Until she hears his voice again.

Raised on the shadow side of the law, Zeth should not have felt any compulsion to help her, yet he tried. Seeing her again would be a big mistake, a risk he couldn't afford to take. But when fate puts her in his path, he can't turn away again.


Oh WOW..... This is dark, and kinky, and it is wreaking havoc with my sensibilities. 

Part of me.....the strong feminist side, wants to roar up and scream "thumbs down!!", but I'm afraid it is getting voted down by all the other bits and pieces of me that are melting and swooning, understanding and commiserating and........frankly, a little bit envious. 

Talk about selling your soul to the devil... Sloane does all that and then some, but no matter how much she despises herself for it, she sure walks away satisfied. And the dangling carrot of a promise of assistance keeps her coming back for more. Or is that the only reason the tightly controlled Sloane chooses to give up so easily?

A bad man with morals, that is Zeth. He has never thought much about the ways he sought to live his life or satisfy his needs, until now. And he is not happy that Sloane seems to have an impact on him. It doesn't fit in his tightly structured existence. She baffles him with the total submission and undeserved trust she gives him. 

A goodly amount of kink and indulgence in the darker side of sexuality gives context to the title DEVIANT. But that is not all this story has to offer. It is building up to be a juicy suspense story as well as an intriguing romance with oodles of angst. I cannot wait to read the next instalment.

Word of warning - this is the first instalment in a serial. But oh, so worth it!!

✨The raw, carnal and gripping shades of sacrifice.✨

**ARC provided in return for an honest review.**


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