Thursday, February 13, 2014


by Elaine Radley
ARC review
Published: June 13, 2013, The Wild Rose Press

My rating: 4.5 of 5 ⭐️

For many years and through their individual marriages and subsequent divorces, Katherine and Dominic have been nothing but the best of friends, but recently the innocent flirty banter has gained a more serious tone.

After a dare puts them both on edge, Katherine decides to push the envelope and finds herself seducing her best friend. Dominic doesn't take too long to recover from his surprise and his long suppressed feelings come surging to the surface. 


A very short, but amazingly complete and intense story! Highly erotic and very insightful.

The characters are well established as friends, are not new to relationships and have had their share of bad experiences. They know the risks and that is what makes them cautious. But all that pent up restraint also makes their coming together quite explosive. But it isn't only the physical connection that is good between these two, they are very well attuned in every way.

Before any skin is bare, the sexual tension is high in this novella and it simply rises higher throughout. Very hot. The dialogue is very mature and straightforward, a very welcome relief from the often adolescent type game playing described. 

I'll  be honest, there was too little of it. This style of writing.....I could have done a nice big juicy novel of. But's a shorty..... and that's its only short-coming. Highly recommended!

✨Sharp, succulent, rich erotica!✨

**ARC provided in return for an honest review.**  Kobo iTunes


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